Here is a list of 10 things featured by HinduStanTimes not to do when in Thailand….can you think of anymore?
1. Fork off
According to Thai table manners, you should eat off your spoon, not your fork. Eating from the fork is considered unsophisticated in the land of white elephants.
2. Cover up
You should keep your knees and elbows covered while visiting the temples or monasteries. Avoid wearing tank tops, shorts, short skirts or tube tops for these places. In fact, even if you are not visiting holy places, it is a sensible idea to carry something to cover up as you might come across a place you might want to go in and are prepared.
3. Listen, don’t act
If your Tuk Tuk driver seems insistent on taking you to a ‘special’ fashion or jewellery store, you don’t have to go there. The reason he might be doing this is because he’s probably getting a commission from the shop owners for taking you there.
4. No hugging monks
Monks are given a lot of respect in Thailand and women are not allowed to go near them. In fact, monks are not allowed to touch women. If a monk needs to give something to a woman, he doesn’t hand it to her directly and places the object on the ground so that she can pick it up from there. When searching for a seat on a bus, do not sit next to a monk as they are not even allowed to sit next to women.
5. Shoe rules
When visiting someone’s house it is considered respectful to remove your shoes before entering their home. For temples, of course, you need to remove your footwear. This is why sandals are a popular choice for tourists as they are easy to take off and given that you can walk long distances in them.
6. Be careful of your feet
Since feet are considered the dirtiest part of the body, it is considered disrespectful if you point them at anyone. Be mindful of not opening doors with your feet or pointing them towards monks or images of the Buddha.
7. Don’t be disrespectful of the royal family
The king and the royal family are held in high regard in Thailand. So, do not say anything against them or even step purposely on a Thai coin if it falls down as it has photos of the royal family.
8. Don’t take Buddha’s photos out of the country
You are not allowed to take any photos of the Buddha out of the country unless you have special permission. Also, do not get carried away with the whole selfie craze and stand on Buddha statues when taking photos, which is considered impolite.
9. Keep your cool
Yes, we understand that you’re not supposed to lose your temper anywhere you are but this applies especially in Thailand. Thais prefer to avoid heated arguments and hence raising your voice is not a good idea when negotiating prices or at other times.
10. No whistling at night
Whistling at night could make Thai people uncomfortable as it is considered to attract evil spirits. They believe it brings bad luck, so don’t start whistling the top Billboard songs when going for that night stroll.